Uvalde Veterinary Clinic is a family oriented veterinary practice. We at Uvalde Veterinary Clinic are dedicated to providing the ultimate in service to our clients and patients while providing the most desirable and productive work enviorment for our employees. We hold that both out clients and our employees have infinite worth and value as do our patients. We hold that all of God's creatures should be treated with the highest level of respect, dignity, and compassion.
To accomplish our mission we will provide:
-a highly trained , motivated and professional staff,
-state-of-the art equipment and technology,
-ongoing interest and interaction, and
-continuing education for both clients and staff.
We will sincerely strive to provide the ultimate in service.
We desire for you and your family to become part of out "clinic family." We hope that our clients will be highly satisfied with the personalized care their pets receive and the service they experience with us. We anticipate that both clients and staff will feel a desire to refer their friends and family to our practice and welcome such referals.
We will always do our very best to give every client and every pet the care they desire and the service that they deserve.

Please give us the opportunity to serve you!
Call us today at 830-278-2322. Thanks!